Pft, For Shame!
You draw and animate Pikachu so well but then you do something unoriginal and crappy like chop his head off. If you even just left off the head-chopping part and just let him get sucked into the Pokeball entirely, I would have given you a perfect 10 and plenty of praise, but no, you had to fuck it up and do something like that. Let me remind you that Astropuff and plently of others have done the EXACT same thing. It's getting old! So, I nailed you on style for that. And yes, it deserves nothing more than a 2 since IT IS NOTHING NEW.
Hmm, you have never seen Sonic get his head chopped off, right? You never see anyone from Final Fantasy get their head chopped off, right? What boggles me is why Pikachu always gets chosen for execution. And get a clue, you can never kill Pikachu. Why, you say? Because there's more than one. There's only one Sonic and only one Cloud, but there are HORDES and LEGIONS of Pikachus. They're endless. You can never kill them all. Never. And just knowing that... makes me smile and say to hell with your flashy movie. Whatever you tried to prove... failed.
Shame, shame, shame. Excellent talent, BUT NO TASTE! Biggest waste of talent and time I've ever seen. Normally I'd say "try harder next time" but that's not the problem here. In fact, watching this movie, I KNEW something dumb like that was going to happen. It's bad when your movies get too predictiable. Then you start getting like Stephen King and that's bad.
But if you do something nice, new, enjoyable, and non-violent with Pikachu, I promise you I would immediately fifteen it and slap it in my favorites list, and you probably would even score higher from the general audience as well. Hell, just look at Pikachu Music Video and how well it did. You could be next! But until that day comes, I have to give this a two and bow down in sadness at a movie that could have been... but wasn't...
Good day to you, sir. Don’t go and get electrocuted, now.