Consider this...
Look, I know the Star Syndicate has an uncanny ability to get whatever they want through the portal just because of who they are and the high number of supporters they have. It's through these same supporters that make it possible to get these kinds of crappy entries through even when they normally would have been blammed. It wouldn't be wrong to say that Star Syndicate was formed with this intention in mind, to cheat the system in whatever way possible.
Regardless of whatever score this ends up obtaining due to your compatriots, I still think it was crap. Regardless of the number of supporters you have who always vote 5 just because they belong to Star Syndicate, there will always be people who can't stand these kinds of submissions for what they are: a total lack of effort in both animation and graphics. It wouldn't be wrong to say that's exactly why FourStar has Two Turds of the Week, because he had his buddies from Star Syndicate to get his submissions in, but when the rest of the Newgrounds Community hated it, no doubt that's the reason why the score fell so low after it passed judgement.
If Star Syndicate were to work together as a team to improve their ability and talent at Flash, and work together to create entires that the rest of us could appreciate, then I would commend what the group does. But the way it looks now, that's exactly what you're not doing. I've seen absolutely no improvement whatsoever in these entires.
If you all were to work on your graphics, help each other improve, and work together to make your entires better and better, then I think everyone would see that as commendable, and you could create some really fantastic entries that Star Syndicate could actually be proud of. But for now, I just don't see the effort put into these submissions.
But, I can only say so much. Where you go from here is up to you, and is only your choice alone.